Can Glucosamine help your dog become mobile again?
Here is an article on pet arthritis and joint pain by Pet Corner – Used with permission.
As your dog ages, its joints, ligaments, tendons and joint fluids wear and “age” too. Depending on their level of exercise and their diets, some dogs can remain very healthy until their last days whilst others get very stiff and immobile within a few years.
Unfortunately the main food for dogs is red meat, which is high in uric acid. Uric acid is a main contributor to many arthritic-type conditions. In a way, feeding your dog the foods they love can be setting them up for mobility problems later on in life!
Many dog owners are unaware that certain nutrients can greatly help their dog’s health and joint management. Proven agents like glucosamine can be very beneficial in maintaining a dog’s joint health and ensuring that can remain mobile and active. Glucosamine is found in cartilage and synovial fluid. It is a normal constituent of your dog’s glycosaminoglycans. Glycosaminoglycans form part of the ground substance of connective tissue, which is found throughout your dog’s body.
Several recent studies have shown that oral glucosamine is absorbed and distributed to joint tissues and that it does have anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it can be beneficial in osteo-arthritic type conditions. Glucosamine as a supplement comes in many forms, including glucosamine HCL and glucosamine . Glucosamine has been reported to offer pain reduction for dogs that suffer from arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, disc degeneration, bursitis, ankylosing spondylitis and tendinitis.
If you have a dog that is losing its mobility or is suffering from joint pain, introducing a glucosamine supplement can be of great benefit.
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Be sure to visit the Glucosamine Product Guide for a review of commercially available glucosamine products.